Sneak Preview and Confusion – Sami

Yesterday was a funny day of sorts, it started out fun filled as I got the chance to meet two of the girls from Inspired Youth’s latest project Young, a mum and proud. One of the girls was my fellow ambassador Adele, and despite working for the same company, its the first time I had the chance to meet her.

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Innovation Day @ York CVS – Sami

On Monday 23rd July, Brightspark Aidan and I were invited to attend an Innovations Day at the York Voluntary Service.

After a meet and greet over coffee, the day started with an opening speech about the progression of services within the public, private and third sectors.

It was introduced that the way forward was innovative thinking, thinking of new ways in which to provide services, considering factors such as budget and spending cuts as well as factoring in the increasing demand on the workforce. Continue reading